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.NET Programming Language Bubble

      Welcome to Shaw Website Design Group's .NET programming Language bubble. Here you will find that no matter what your skill level, our .NET bubbles will provide you a wealth of resources to grab your interest and guide your learning experience.


      At Shaw Website Design Group, we hope what we have gathered allows you to float your curiosity and inflate your knowledge about .NET Programming.


Learn more with Shaw Website Design's NET Framework Bubble
Need more information on NET Framework? You came to the right bubble

Want to learn more about NET Programming?

   So what the heck is .NET you ask? .NET was first introduced in 2002 as a replacement the .COM model. It was intended to make life much simpler while providing a more robust flexible framework that software platforms could be built upon. The framework can be understood as a run-time environment and a comprehensive base class library. The run-time CLR job is to take care of security, memory management, coordinating threads and application hosting as well as locating, loading and managing .NET objects for you.

  Another piece of the .NET puzzle is the common type system or CTS. It job in a nutshell is to describe all the possible programming constructs and data types supported by the run time environment and how they interact with each other. Because it is ‘common’, all .NET languages can use these features.

  Lastly there is the base class library that serves all .NET based programming languages. The library defines types that can be used to interact with XML documents or relationship databases and can be used to build any type of software application, no matter the language. The primitives supported include graphical rendering, threads, file I/O and interaction with a large assortment of hardware devices.

  We could go on and talk about the model view controller but we should leave that for another day. Please also take note that ASP.NET and other .NET programming languages are listed here temporarily until time permits the creation of new pages.

  The following .NET programming language resource bubbles have been gathered from around the web and will be periodically updated.

Edu : Programming | Location : Calgary

Publisher : Shaw Website Design Group | Genre : NET Framework | Date : 2013-12-12



Learn more about .NET programming using Resource Bubbles

Tags : .net,beginners guide to .net, .net resource, .net tutorials, learn .net, .net reference,Learning Bubble,Learning Resource,.net library,dot net,base class library, CTS,run-time clr,com,microsoft

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new-and-exciting-in-NET-4.5 Channel 9

New-and-exciting-in-NET-4.5 : Youtube

Video's : .NET Programming Language Bubble

Videos .NET Programming image
Video's .NET Programming
  • Net Training Session 01: YouTube
  • Peterteach : Youtube
  • Overview of MS.NET Framework 4.5 : YouTube
  • Overview of the .NET Framework : YouTube
  • Audio Talk show for developers : .NET Rocks!
  • What is new in .NET Development : Channel 9
  • Videos about People Building Microsoft Services : Channel 9
  • Advanced .NET - What´s new in .NET 4.5.1 : Channel 9

Websites : .NET Programming Language Bubble

Websites .NET Programming image
Websites .NET Programming


Tutorials : .NET Programming Language Bubble

Tutorials .NET Programming images
Tutorials .NET Programming

Ebooks and Guides (pdf) : .NET Programming Bubble

Ebooks and Guides (pdf) : .NET Programming image
Ebooks and Guides : .NET Programming

Assorted Musings : .NET Programming Language Bubble

Assorted Musings : .NET Programming
Assorted Musings : .NET Programming

Pinterest : .NET Programming Language Bubble

Pinterest : .NET Programming
Pinterest : .NET Programming

Apps and Plugins : .NET Programming Language Bubble

Apps and Plugins :.NET Programming Bubble image
Apps & Plugins : .NET Programming
  • Install ASP.NET MVC 4 : Microsoft
  • Source Code Site for ASP.NET, MVC, Web API : Microsoft

Blogs : .NET Programming Language Bubble

Blogs : .NET Programming image
Blogs : .NET Programming

Slideshare | Twitter: .NET Programming Language Bubble

slide share  .NET Programming image
Slideshare : .NET Programming Bubble


Shaw Website Design Group - Floating your curiosity to help you

learn about .NET bubble at a time.
